Sunday, May 9, 2010

Johnson Canyon

Got up this morning excited to see Lake Louise for the first time. We were surprised to find it still frozen and with about a foot of snow covering it. It snowed all the way up there from Banff so we shouldn't have been surprised. I guess you really can't come here before June 1st if you want to see the lake. Oh Well. We headed down the Bow Valley Pkwy which is a scenic route and stopped at Johnson Canyon which has awesome waterfalls all throughout. It was close to 3 miles total of mostly uphill climbing. It was tough but absolutely worth it. The picture of the lone mountain is called Castle Mountain for obvious reasons. We are going to try to get a sunset tonight but its not till 9:15p.m. It stays light till then every day.

1 comment:

  1. the pics are beautiful. thanks for sharing. stay safe. xo grace
